Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The worst chicken puff of my life EVER!!

This weekend I was in Mumbai to meet my in-laws and hubby to be. My mother in law had made sindhi kokis and upma for me for breakfast. Now those of you who know me also know that I run miles away from upma. Somehow I have never been able to develop a liking for it even after staying in Bangalore for 6 long years of my life. So I took only a little bit just so that she doesn't feel bad. But surprise surprise ! One bite of that upma and I started wondering  why have I been running away from it for sooooo long. My mother in law makes the BEST UPMA in this entire WORLD and if she can make me develop a liking for it, no one in this world would be able to resist it.
After a heavy breakfast of yummy sindhi kokis and upma, the boy and me decided that we would find ourselves a good place to sit without any waiters pestering us. Off we went to bandstand. Now thankfully Mumbai wasn't humid this weekend but it was very sunny. As we needed a shady place to sit, we ventured inside Cafe Sea Side. Those of you who live in Mumbai would know that Cafe Sea Side probably offers you the best view in town overlooking the sea. The place was practically empty and we found ourselves a comfortable spot to settle down. After some time when the waiters started hovering around us, I promtly ordered one chicken puff because it was the cheapest item on the menu. But the moment I saw the puff, I regretted my decision. When I took a bite, I regretted it all the more :(. I can safely announce that Cafe Sea Side sells probably the worst chicken puffs atleast in Mumbai. The puff looked and tasted stale and honestly I couldn't even taste chicken in the filling. The filling was white in color and when I tasted it alone, it didn't even have salt! The texture was such that it reminded me of over boiled mashed chicken :(. If you look at the picture closely, you will notice some white colored substance on the sides of the puff...that is the filling.

Moral of the story - go hungry but never order anything from Cafe Sea Side.

This is what the worst chicken puff of my life looked like

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