Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Can chocolates make you clever?

Atleast that's what a recent study done by a researcher of Columbia university seemed to suggest. And if the study is to be belived - eating more chocolate improves a nation's chances of producing Nobel Prize winners!!
Franz Messerli of Columbia University, started wondering about the power of chocolate after reading that cocoa can prove to be good for health.So he took the number of Nobel Prize winners in a country as an indicator of general national intelligence and compared that with the nation's chocolate consumption. The results - published in the New England Journal of Medicine - were striking.Switzerland, the country with the highest chocolate comsumption per head has also the highest number of Nobel laureates per capita. Countries at the bottom of the league included China with low chocolate consumption as well as less number of Nobel laureates...hmmmmm... wondering where India stood in the ranking ...hmmmm.

So what are you waiting for - go grab that piece of dark chocolate that you have been eyeing for so long - and don't forget to share it with your kids and be a good momma :):):) 

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