Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Food News - Chef Vikas Khanna's new book - Young Chefs

After Masterchef India - I am dead sure that there is not a single girl/woman in this country who hasn't fallen for Chef Vikas Khanna. God damn he is soooo cute - and that dimpled smile, that soft voice - how can any woman resist him. Imagine a guy who looks cute, has a dimpled smile, is soft spoken and to top it all, he is a world renowned chef - girls what more do we need??? And to all you guys out there - we find it really sweet when you try your hand at the kitchen to impress us. So no matter how kali your chai turns out, or how uncooked your eggs are - we still LOVE IT!.
Ok, so coming back to the topic, Chef Vikas Khanna has written a new book titled 'Young Chefs' which has simple recipes that any child (and by that I mean 12+ years olds) can whip up. He has dedicated this book to all the contestants of Master Chef Junior. To read his complete interview, click on the link below.

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