Thursday, November 14, 2013

Amla Chutney (Gooseberry Chutney)

"Sniff, sniff", that's what I have been doing all day long. It's strange how I don't get affected by cold when I am in North India - seriously guys I have stayed in UP for 8 years, spent considerable time in Delhi, Gurgaon, visited Amritsar in January where the fog refuses to go before 1:00 PM, and venturing out without a head scarf, socks and gloves is close to suicidal. However Pune winters -  I simply fail to understand. In my 2 years in this city, every time the temperature dips, bang strikes the flu, cold & cough. Each time to combat the cold, my mother has fed me with amla chutney instead of medicines to get me better. So the recipe that I am going to share with you all today is of the same chutney that my mother ensures I take with every meal during winters. Not only is it tangy and tasty - being a rich source of Vit C, it also boosts immunity.

Ingredients :
Amla - 200 gms (cleaned and finely chopped)
Jaggery or Gur - 100 gms
Garlic - 10-12 pods
Finely chopped ginger - 1.5 inch
Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp
Panch foran - 1/4 tsp
Oil - 1tsp
Salt to taste

Clean and finely chop the amla into small pieces. Add the jaggery, ginger, garlic & pressure cook for 1 whistle. Allow the mixture to cool. Blend it in a mixer or with a hand blender. Not heat the oil in a small non stick kadai and add the panch foran powder. When it begins to crackle, add the blended mixture along with the salt and red chilli powder. Cook it till the oil starts separating. Store it in an air tight jar.

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